24V 14.5A + 27.6V 2A UPS Monitor
Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) monitor,
Input voltage ac 220 volts,
Output power 350 watts,
Dual outputs: DC 24 volts 8 amperes and DC 27.6 volts 6 ampere (charger),
Outpu voltage changing with the voltage of battery, range 22v to 27.6v.
when ac is ok, AC 220V to 24v and 27.6v;
when ac is offline, battery 27.6v to 24v automatically and directly.
more 24Vout ups controller:
1. 24V 1A+27.6V 1A;
2. 24V 3A+27.6V 1A;
3. 24V 5A+27.6V 1A;
4. 24V 5A+27.6V 2A;
more same kinds of products, with charge manangement funtion:
1. output power 36 watt, dc 12 volt 3 ampere, apply to 12 volt battery;
2. output power 100 watt, dc 12 volt 8 ampere, apply to 12 volt battery;
3. output power 150 watt, dc 24 volt 6 ampere, apply to 24 volt battery;
4. output power 220 watt, dc 24 volt 9 ampere, apply to 4 volt battery;
5. output power 480 watt, dc 24 volt 20 ampere, apply to 24 volt battery;
6. output power 720 watt, dc 24 volt 30 ampere, apply to 24 volt battery;
7. output power 1000 watt, dc 24 volt 40 ampere, apply to 24 volt battery.
mating with a battey, to build up a ups system.